Top Dhyan Chand Quotes That Will Inspire You

Read the top Dhyan Chand’s Quotes that will literally inspire you, Major was a great magician of Hockey and he proved that with utmost efforts & determination you can be gain perfection to turn your work into unbelievable magic which makes Indian proud.

Dhyan Chand-Quote of the Day

Major Dhyan Chand who is known as “The Magician of the Hockey” or “The Wizard” was an Indian hockey player, born on 29 August 1905. Who is regarded as one of the greatest in history. Dhyan Chand is known for his extraordinary performance in Olympics 1928, 1932 and 1936 where India won gold medals. His influence was beyond these victories and India won seven out of eight Olympics in 1928 to 1964 Era. In India his birthday (29 August) is celebrated as National Sports Day.

Major Dhyan Chand’s legacy is carried forward by the Government of India. In India Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award and Dhyan Chand Award named after his name given to the India’s best performer on the International level championships yearly and lifetime achievement respectively. Are you looking for top Major Dhyan Chand’s motivational and inspirational quotes? Thoughts that will fill you with utmost efforts & determination and you gonna use it in your respective fields. 

  • “It is not my country’s duty to push me ahead. It is my duty to push my country ahead.”
  • “If you could not get a goal from that you did not deserve to be on my team.”
  • “It looks like he has some invisible magnet stuck to his hockey stick so that the ball does not leave it at all.“ 
  • “The Olympic complex now has a magic show too.“ 
  • “In 1933, the Jhansi Heroes decided to participate in the Beighton Cup hockey tournament. My life’s ambition was to win the Beighton Cup, as I had always regarded this competition as the blue riband of Indian hockey. In my opinion it is perhaps the best organized hokey event in the country. Calcutta is indeed lucky that it has at least three of four first class hockey grounds on the Maidan, and this is a great advantage to run a tournament on schedule instituted since 1895, this tournament had a non-stop run. World Wars I and II did not affect the tournament. Threats of Japanese bombs and actual bombings in Calcutta while the hockey season was on also did not prevent from the tournament from being held. That being said, it is sad to think that the tournament had to yield to the communal frenzy, which gripped the nation in 1946-47.“
  • “You and your boys have done wonderfully to foster the game of hockey in our country I hope that you will return to India with good impressions and with the same feeling of friendship to the German hockey players as we feel towards you…Tell them how much we all admired the sill and performance of the prefect hockey they have shown us.“ 
  • “It was a great day for me when my Commanding Officer called me and said ‘Boy, you are to go to New Zealand’ I was dumbfounded, and did not know what to reply. All I did was to click my heels snappily and, give as smart a salute as I possibly could, and beat a hasty retreat. Once out of sight of the officer, I ran like a hare to reach my barracks and communicated the good news to my fellow soldiers. And what a reception they gave me! I lost no time in getting prepared for the trip. I was not a rich man, my earnings as a sepoy being only a few rupees a month. My parents were not rich either…. I clothed myself as inexpensively as possible, and my personal outfit was my military kit… As soldiers belonging to the Other Ranks (read lower ranks), it was a great experience for us. Prior to this tour we could never conceive of being feted and entertained at private houses and public functions in such a glorious and enjoyable manner. We were made heroes, and on my part, if I may put it quite modestly, I proved myself a great success and left behind a great impression.“
  • “The cottage had twenty beds, a telephone and a refrigerator. Everything was kept spick and span, and every minute details of our comforts had been attended to. Two stewards were there to look after us. One was Otto, an old seasoned-sailor who had visited India several times and spoke English well. The other was named Schmidt, and he spoke English haltingly.“
  • “My experience thus far has been to win matches and not lose them. I remember that in 1932, after our return from the Olympic tour, we beat Delhi by 12 goals to nil. I never recognized Delhi as a big hockey playing center, but on this day they were right on top of us and completely outplayed us. The news of this defeat created adverse opinions about us, and while touring other centers before we finally sailed from Mumbai. This particular defeat kept worrying me. For the first time I was captaining the Olympic team; will India lose the title under my charge?“ 
  • “I was bypassed in 1932 possibly because of my academic handicaps and so called social position in life. I was still an ordinary soldier holding a minor rank.“ 
  • “Nowadays I hear of the princely comforts provided for national teams traveling overseas, and fuss players raise if they happen to miss even a cup of tea! When we used to travel, the name of our country and the game were the only two things that mattered.“
  • “According to widespread reports, German dictator Adolf Hitler offered Dhyan Chand German citizenship and a position in the German Military, after an impressive showing at the Berlin Olympics. The offer was declined by the Indian magician.“ 
  • “He scores goals like runs in cricket.“ 
  • “His real talent lay above his shoulders. He was easily the hockey brain of the century. He could see a field the way a chess player sees the board. He knew where his teammates were, and more importantly where his opponents were – without looking. It was almost psychic.“ 
Top Dhyan Chand Quotes That Will Inspire You

Sport itself is an inspirational step to move ahead, it creates energy, zeal and enthusiasm and you feel yourself in high energy & lively. If you channelize that energy that will build you not only on a personal level but also on a professional level. You will defeat your opponents with that vibes only. So find your inner athlete today and enjoy your life with new spirit & spark. 
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